Aarhus Technical College | Denmark

Aarhus Technical College (ATC) is situated in Aarhus - the second largest city in Denmark. With three main campuses and comprehensive education and training programmes the college is a very noticeable part of Aarhus. Aarhus Technical College was founded in 1828 and is one of the largest vocational education and training institutions in Denmark. The college has a long tradition of servicing the private and public sector with a focus on the training needs of the Eastern part of Jutland and by offering flexible education and training programmes and courses within a wide variety of occupations at different levels. Like all other Danish vocational colleges, Aarhus Technical College is a self-governing, non-profit institution with a long tradition of involving the social partners at all levels of management and training provision. A governing board with equal representation of local employers' associations and trade unions is overall responsible for the college management, and the social partners are also represented in a large number of local training committees advising the college on the provision of VET programmes so they meet the needs of the local labour market.

Aarhus Technical College | Denmark

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