AgroParisTech | France
AgroParisTech was founded on January 1st 2007 by the three following Graduate Institutes in Science and Engineering:
INA P-G - Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon
ENGREF – Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts
ENSIA – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires
AgroParisTech is a member of ParisTech , the Paris Institute of Technology, which is a consortium of 10 of the foremost French Graduate Institutes in Science and Engineering. AgroParisTech is a core member of the Paris cluster in Life and Environmental Science and Technology, together with 2 Graduate schools (Alfort National Veterinary School and Versailles National School of Landscape architecture) and 3 research centers (INRA, Cemagref and AFSSA). AgroParisTech is organized into 5 departments: - Agronomy, Forestry, Water and Environmental Science and Technology; - Life Science and Health; - Science and Engineering for Food and Bioproducts; - Social science, Economics and Management; - Modeling: Mathematics, Informatics and Physics.