Blackburn College | United Kingdom

Founded in 1888, Blackburn College’s purpose was the provision of technical, employment-focussed education for the people of Blackburn and the surrounding area. Our focus remains the same today. Students travel from across Lancashire and beyond to study at one of the largest Colleges in the UK, on a truly world-class campus, designed to provide high quality learning and acquisition of the skills needed by employers. For the 5th year in a row, 9 out of 10 of our graduates are in work or further study, just six months after graduation. Our work with over 3,000 employers ensures we are at the heart of business development; our students aiming to become the business leaders of the future. Indeed, some 6 out of 10 of working graduates from 2015/16 now work in the Blackburn area, demonstrating the value of ‘The Blackburn Graduate’ to employers and the global businesses that operate out of our region.

Blackburn College | United Kingdom

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