College of Lake County | USA
The College of Lake County (CLC) is a comprehensive community college committed to equitable high-quality education, cultural enrichment and partnerships to advance the diverse communities it serves. CLC is located in Grayslake, Illinois, 45 minutes northwest of Chicago, Illinois. There are 3 campuses with robust course offerings at each location. At CLC, students find all the practical prerequisites for their success: wide-ranging academic options, tuition value, and small classes taught by caring faculty. More than that, they also find inspiration and motivation from faculty and staff with high expectations of them. Strong academics, combined with counseling, career advice, and learning support, take students from where they are toward where they want to go. CLC students have guaranteed admission and seamless transfer to earn their bachelor's degree to over 40 participating four-year colleges and universities. CLC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association.