EISTI | France

EISTI (École internationale des sciences du traitement de l'information) at Cergy and Pau is a school for French computer engineers, authorized by the Commission of Securities and Engineers, and member of the Conference des Grandes Ecoles. ESTI was founded in 1983 by Nesim Fintz. The ESTI group is part of the academic and research oriented Pyrenees Océanes Campus which brings together the Group ESC Pau, 5 engineering schools (ENIT, ENSGTI, EISTI, ESTIA, ISA BTP), the Institute of Business Administration (IAE ) and the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA). All in all 17 000 students. ESTI has two campuses: Cergy & Pau. Each delivers the same dipomas and EISTI and students can change campus throughout their schooling.

EISTI | France

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