Federico Santa María Technical University | Chile

Eighty years ago Federico Santa Maria's dream of having a world class engineering University became true. He is probably the greatest philanthropist the history of Chile has ever known, providing the country with a Higher Education Institution, that would open the possibility to outstanding low income youngsters to study, procuring an instrument of social mobility, and thus promoting equity in educational terms for all the inhabitants of his country. USM is a private, not-for-profit university and belongs to the 25 traditional universities in the Chilean University Council of Rectors, CRUCH. University Santa Maria is one of the most academic selective universities in the country. The history of the University has been marked by a solid education in Engineering, Science and Technology, and by the promotion of an integral spirit through the development of culture, physical ans sports activities, solidarity activities and entrepreneurial skills. USM specialises in the following areas: Electronics, Mining, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Informatics, Business, Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics), Aeronautics, Architecture, Construction, and Environmental Sciences, among others.

Federico Santa María Technical University | Chile

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