National University of La Plata | Argentina

The National University of La Plata is located in the city of La Plata, which is the capitol of the Argentine region of the Buenos Aires Province. It is a national university with over 75 000 students and 160 degree options. The National University of La Plata consists of different faculties, as follows: - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - Faculty of Arts - Faculty of Agrarian and Forest Sciences - Faculty of Astronomic and Geophysic Sciences - Faculty of Economic Sciences - Faculty of Exact Sciences - Faculty of Law and Social Sciences - Faculty of Medic Sciences - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum - Faculty of Veterinary Sciences - Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences - Faculty of Informatics - Faculty of Engineering - Faculty of Odontology - Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication - Faculty of Social Work - Fine Arts High School

National University of La Plata | Argentina

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