University of New York in Prague | Czech Republic

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP) was founded in 1998 and is offering American and Czech University degrees delivered fully in English from the central European city of Prague. UNYP has a long history and degree partnership with the State University of New York, specifically, The State University of New York, Empire State College (SUNY, ESC). UNYP remains one of the largest English language higher-education institutions in the Czech Republic. The University of New York in Prague is made up of four main UNYP schools of Business, Psychology, International Relations and Communication & Media. Through these four unique schools, UNYP delivers Czech and American accredited bachelor's degrees in Business Administration, Communication & Media, Child Development, Digital Media Arts, Information Technology, International Relations, English language & Literature, Political Science and Psychology. UNYP also offers a three-year Business Administration program with a concentration in Finance, Marketing, Sports Management and Human Resources.

University of New York in Prague | Czech Republic

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