Music (MPhil) | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2-4 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

Research degrees can be gained in the areas of Musicology, Performance and Composition. Normally the research project will be limited to any one area. Performers, however, will follow, in addition to their practical studies (60%), an agreed program of original research into historical study, performance practice, editing oranalysis, focusing on aspects related or central to repertoire performed (40%). Structure of Program As a research program, the course does not have a modular outline. Each student receives close supervision on an individual and original project, which has the potential to make a new and substantial contribution to the field. Each student has a supervisory committee, led by the main supervisor, assisted by two other staff members with relevant expertise. Research students have regular meetings with their supervisor and are entitled to consult other members of their committee as appropriate. They are also encouraged to present reports on their work in seminars and colloquia during each of their period of study. Final assessment will be through viva voce examination through an appointed panel. The panel consists of one internal examiner from within the University / School (not identical with members of the supervisory committee), one external examiner, who is an expert in the field, and a chair.

Music (MPhil) | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2-4 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

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