Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) in Japanese | Graduate diploma / certificate | Languages | On Campus | 1 hour | The University of Waikato | New Zealand
The study of Japanese at Waikato involves the acquisition of Japanese language and the study of the history and culture of Japan.
Japan's 2000 year old civilisation boasts such achievements as the world's first novel and other rich contributions to the fine arts. Japan ("Nihon" – the Land of the Rising Sun) was the first Asian country to modernise, rivalling the West just forty years after making the decision to do so. It made remarkable recovery after World War II and has developed into one of the world's dominant economic forces. While this growth has been driven largely by the Japanese capacity for technological development, Japan is increasingly influential in international politics and the arts.
Japan is a major trading partner of New Zealand and there is a large Japanese business community here. New Zealand is a popular Japanese tourist destination and many of our more advanced students have been able to get holiday jobs tour-guiding. Studying Japan's fascinating culture and language continues to provide a valuable basis for a career and a stimulating insight into an important Asian country.
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