Psychological Research | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1-2 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom
Our MSci in Psychological Research is exceptional for its dual emphasis on basic psychological science and applied issues. The course is designed to provide students with a wide range of practical research skills, advanced studies in modern psychology, and an opportunity to learn how this knowledge is applied in either industrial or clinical settings. The course has been recognised by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as providing the transferable skills essential to social science research. Students who take this course will get a comprehensive research experience working with top international calibre researchers, and an exceptional opportunity to see how modern psychology can be put into practice.
This Masters is recommended in the following cases:
You are looking to specialise in a particular area of Psychology.
You are interested in giving your CV/Resume an extra "boost".
You are trying to get a feel for research in psychology before undertaking a PhD.
You are looking for a job as a research assistant.
You wish to undertake a PhD.
Students wishing to can exit the program after achieving either a PG Certificate or PG Diploma if they don’t wish to undertake the full MSci.