Psychology (MSci/PGDip/PGCert) | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1-2 Years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

The Psychology MSci course has been developed for those interested in developing their knowledge and ability in Psychology in general. It will also be the course that might be a good option for individuals who would like to develop their professional and academic skills, but do not intend to pursue a research career in psychology. The course overlaps with the MSci in Psychological Research, but instead of emphasising research skills, this proposed program will empower students with a range of professional skills. These skills are valuable, and highly sought after, in a range of different careers. The program will also allow students to tailor their degree according to their interests, taking modules from our wide-range of world-class specialist modules. In general, we aim to provide a high quality teaching and learning environment through the use of the latest teaching tools, team- taught courses, and closely mentored research with experts in clinical psychology. Students wishing to can exit the program after achieving either a PG Certificate or PG Diploma if they don’t wish to undertake the full MSci.

Psychology (MSci/PGDip/PGCert) | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1-2 Years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

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