Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Accounting | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | University Carlos III of Madrid | Spain

Over the last few years, financial markets have reached a size, complexity and sophistication that have created the demand for professionals who are able to assess companies which need financing in these markets and manage the many financial risks they are subject to as a result of their activity. Equally, there is a need for experts in the management of capital of small and large investors.It is also significant that companies' financial and accounting departments are more and more linked requiring professional experts in both fields. Recent changes in International Accounting Regulations require accountants to know how to value financially the assets and liabilities of a company. It is difficult to understand the financial situation of a company without in-depth knowledge of the information extracted from the Financial Statements.

Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Accounting | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | University Carlos III of Madrid | Spain

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