Social Work | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

Bangor University has a long established tradition of offering social work education. The fundamental purpose of such programs is to equip students to take up professional posts within the social work workforce. To achieve this, the 2 year program of study includes a suite of core academic modules and a requirement of at least 200 days of assessed practice learning over the two years. The program must satisfy the requirements of Soclal Care Wales’ ‘Framework for the Degree in Social Work in Wales’ (2012), and successful completion of the program enables students to register as qualified professional social workers. The modules and practice learning opportunities are designed to provide students with the required knowledge, skills and values to prepare them for practice as newly qualified social workers. They are informed by the QAA Benchmarks for Social Work (QAA 2016), and the National Occupational Standards for Social Work (Social Care Wales 2012). We regret that we are unable to accept applications from international students for this course.

Social Work | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

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