Dietetics (Taught) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 20 months | University of Ulster | United Kingdom

The overall aim of this programme is to provide science graduates with core knowledge and skills to practice as a dietitian and develop advanced research skills. This course is an intensive course designed to provide a scientific base in the study of food and nutrition and the effect of diet and health on wellbeing. On completion of this course graduate dietitians will also have advanced research skills having completed an independent reasearch project as part of this degree. This course is designed for pre-registration training in Dietetics. It is not aimed at qualified dietitians wishing to take a masters degree. Qualified dietitians are encouraged to apply for the MSc Human Nutrition.

Dietetics (Taught) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 20 months | University of Ulster | United Kingdom

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