PhD in Philosophy | Doctorate / PhD | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | Full time 3 years / Part time 5 years | Universidad de La Laguna | Spain

PhD studies in the philosophical field have a long tradition at the University of La Laguna. In fact, the current program: Philosophy, Culture and Society, integrated within its Official Graduate program of the same name, and which deserved the Mention of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education (Resolution of October 6, 2011 , Reference MEE2011-0739, BOE of October 20, 2011) for the 2011/12 courses; 2012/2013 and 2013/2014, has its immediate antecedents in the Doctoral program epistemology and Practical Philosophy, in force during the biennium 1999-2001, 2000-2002, 2001-2003 and 2002-2005 and in the Doctoral program Philosophy. Theory and Praxis in the Present World taught since 2004

PhD in Philosophy | Doctorate / PhD | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | Full time 3 years / Part time 5 years | Universidad de La Laguna | Spain

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