Master in Accounting and Financial Management | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 1 year | Universidad de Valladolid | Spain
This master's degree offers highly specialized training within the framework of accounting and economic-financial management and incorporates a relevant participation of outstanding specialists from other universities in Spain and abroad. Specialization in accounting and financial management is reflected in the professional world in various states of the European Union: accreditation of appropriate knowledge in this field allows access to certain registers or to receive certain degrees issued by state bodies, private entities or professional organizations. In Spain, a master's degree course such as the one described here can facilitate or help to prepare access to the Official Register of Auditors (ROAC, in its Spanish acronym); the profession of the Auditor is a regulated profession throughout the European Union. It also prepares access to the Register of Economist Auditors (REA, in its Spanish acronym), the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Spain (ICJCE, in its Spanish acronym), the Register of Economist Tax Advisors (REAF, in its Spanish acronym) and it is accredited for access to the Register of Certified Public Accountants (REC, in its Spanish acronym) being the University of Valladolid one of only three Spanish universities that are accredited for this purpose.