MSc in Marketing and Transformative Economy | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 2 years | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland

The Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy is not just another Master in Marketing. Its ambition is to offer established marketing wisdom and practice, and expand them further. First, the Master brings marketing aims beyond customer satisfaction, to cater to individual and collective well-being. This allows marketers to pursue new business opportunities by improving customers’ economic as well as emotional, environmental, physical, and psychological well-being. Second, traditional marketing just focuses on market systems. This programme also covers new exchange systems, including access-based, circular, gift, and sharing economy, which have fostered gratuity, indirect reciprocity, and use as an alternative to ownership. Last, marketers are today confronted with conflicting expectations (e.g., craftsmanship/mass-production, exclusivity/accessibility, proximity/global reach, human-touch/technological mediation). The Master tackles these challenges, by enriching economic thinking with cultural and social understanding.

MSc in Marketing and Transformative Economy | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 2 years | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland

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