MSc in Financial Technology and Computing | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 2 years | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland

The Master of Science in Financial Technology and Computing is offered jointly by the Faculty of Informatics and by the Faculty of Economics of the Università della Svizzera italiana, USI, situated in Lugano - Switzerland. This full-time study programme comprises 120 ECTS spread over 4 semesters (usual duration 2 years) and is entirely offered in English. This unique cross-discipline programme combines USI's world-leading expertise in Finance and Informatics and offers exciting career prospects that range from fintech startups to banks and insurers to hedge funds. The programme has been designed to provide graduates with an informatics background with the necessary tools and skills for understanding fundamental problems in finance while, at the same time, learning about advanced tools and techniques in informatics to be applied in finance.

MSc in Financial Technology and Computing | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 2 years | Università della Svizzera italiana | Switzerland

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