Corporate Communication and Public Relations | Bachelor's degree | Media & Communications | Blended Learning | 3 years | Università IULM | Italy

The Degree Course in Corporate Communication and Public Relations at IULM University, the first one created in Italy, was created to prepare graduates who intend to become professionals in the management of internal and external communication processes of private and public organisations. A professional able to use all communication tools, from advertising, on which is traditionally based the promotion of goods and services, to new media related to the spread of the Internet that allow a strong customization of messages and an explicit interaction with the interlocutor. The Bachelor's degree programme therefore prepares students to use a set of complex skills, which require not only an understanding of the mechanisms that govern communication, but of those that govern the life of the institutions that generate it and of the individuals who receive it, and of the economic and social context within which it takes on meaning. To train communication professionals with an international mind-set, from the academic year 2019-2020 the course is also offered for the first time in English (140 places available). The program of the course in Corporate Communication and Public Relation is symmetrical to the course in Italian, and is aimed at new students who have already matured a clear predisposition towards an international career pathway.

Corporate Communication and Public Relations | Bachelor's degree | Media & Communications | Blended Learning | 3 years | Università IULM | Italy

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