Master's Degree in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

In recent years there have been enormous developments in the design of supercomputers. The increase in computing power has opened the door to the study of physical and chemical processes of interest using multiscale models and computer simulation techniques, in terms of the system size (length scale) and the duration of the process (time scale), based on the atomic-molecular elements involved. This theoretical approach has achieved a high degree of reliability and has become a fundamental tool for analysing and understanding the structure and properties of complex systems and processes. On the other hand, advanced knowledge in computer science, programming and use of management tools and analysis of large amounts of information offer a necessary complement to scientific-technical training in a work and research environment increasingly dominated by computer applications. The interuniversity master's degree in Atomistic and Multi-Scale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry has as its main objective to provide specialized training in the use of computational tools to study physical, chemical and biochemical problems in which the structure and properties of matter at the atomic or molecular scale is relevant. To this end, the students who complete this master's degree will acquire general and specific knowledge of the different theoretical models and simulation techniques necessary to describe a given system, depending on its size and time scale in which the process or property of interest take place. Students will receive training to use the necessary programming tools and knowledge to apply the simulation techniques they have learned, using both standard computer packages and programming the necessary applications.

Master's Degree in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

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