Master's Degree in Digital Content Management | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

Management of digital content is a work area and skill with a strong projection around the world. This is clearly seen in the increase in the number of consultancies and companies dedicated to designing web architecture, to conduct user experience studies (UX), to manage the presence of brands in social networks (community manager), to improve web positioning in search engines (SEO) or to plan online marketing campaigns. There is also an increase in the demand of work positions dedicated to the administration of public intranets or websites and to document management. This can be noticed in various sectors: medium and large companies, research centres, public administration, libraries, archives, museums, etc. In order to respond to this demand, the Master's Degree in Digital Content Management trains professionals specialized in design, management and evaluation of products and services related to the digital content of companies and institutions. It is a training offer based on the cross-disciplinary project-based learning (PBL) approach and enables students to analyse the development environment and their competence, to apply the methodological principles of digital marketing, and to plan and organize processes of diagnosis, design and promotion of web sites and applications. At the same time, students are trained in the use of computer applications to create and develop digital products and services, metrics to analyse users' behaviour, and techniques to improve user experience and usability.

Master's Degree in Digital Content Management | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

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