Master's Degree in Integrative Physiology | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | Blended Learning | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

This master's degree, which is taught as a blended learning course, is aimed at broadening the students' knowledge of the latest aspects of physiology research. It focuses in particular on the most innovative and applied aspects of the discipline, including the physiology of exercise, altitude and hypoxia, the latest advances in the understanding of oxidative stress and free radicals, and molecular and cellular physiology. An agreement has been signed to teach a double degree, with a specialization in Applied Physiology from the master's degree in Biomedical Sciences at Antofagasta University in Chile. Integrative Physiology has received the distinction 'International Master's Program' (IMP) from the Government of Catalonia's Agency for the Administration of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) (2013 IMP 00019).

Master's Degree in Integrative Physiology | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | Blended Learning | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

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