Master's Degree in Latin American Studies | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

The master's degree in Latin American Studies is a specialized course that provides advanced knowledge of the principal social, economic, political and cultural institutions of Latin America. It prepares students to work in academia or in organizations with a specialist focus on Latin American issues. Students will acquire a specialized understanding of advanced theoretical and methodological frameworks. On completion of the master's degree, they will be entitled to apply for a place on the corresponding doctoral program.The master's degree trains professionals with the skills to apply their knowledge of the disciplines covered during the course to activities in the fields of culture, communication and publishing and in the work of NGOs The course contents are equally suited to research and professional practice. The broad range of subject areas covered over the course of the degree include social and political relations in America from the pre-Hispanic period to the present day, and economic and cultural phenomena that have come to form part of today's reality in Latin America.

Master's Degree in Latin American Studies | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

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