Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Education | Master's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

The master's degree in Motor Activity and Education is organized by the Faculty of Education with the collaboration of the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC). The course provides specific training in the educational use of motor activity in a range of contexts, and provides the knowledge and resources required for research and innovation in this field. The advanced training acquired over the course of the degree will enable students to reach an advanced level of competence in the development of motor education activities, physical education programs and social interventions; to disseminate the results of their research and innovation activities; and, where appropriate, to access doctoral studies and prepare a doctoral thesis. The master's degree addresses new training requirements in the field of motor activities, in areas such as physical activities for people with special education needs, sports for people with disabilities, social intervention, population ageing, and innovation in the traditional practices of physical education and sport. The teaching staff have therefore been selected for their expertise in various areas of psychology, health and social intervention. The course is designed for physical education and sport education professionals, social educators and general education professionals, as well as university graduates in education and physical education who wish to continue their studies at doctoral level and carry out research in the field of physical education and sport.

Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Education | Master's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

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