Master's Degree in Production and Artistic Research | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

The aim of the Master's Degree in Artistic Production and Research is to train art practitioners and professionals in the most advanced fields of creative activity and enable students to acquire resources for research based on artistic production in relation to the current context. The master's course offers students an opportunity to critically re-explore languages, media and disciplines in relation to artistic practice and research in such a way that they engage conceptually with the media they use and in the regeneration of lines of art discourse, in both personal and collaborative projects. Faced with the continual transformation of artistic practices, we offer a master's degree program that emphasises critical thinking about art practices themselves and strengthens multidisciplinary, intermedia and media work in every area of artistic production in expansion today (two-dimensional, spatial, networked, audiovisual, and multimedia), exploring their social and conceptual contexts. The program aims to provide participants with the intellectual tools and technological skills they will need to position themselves at the forefront of the creative sector in the production and post-production of intermedia or media art and to prepare them for research in the arts and based on artistic principles. The content of this master's degree, which covers production and research in contemporary intermedia art and media arts, is unique among university master's degree syllabuses across Catalonia.

Master's Degree in Production and Artistic Research | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain

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