Master's Degree in Research and Educational Change | Master's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain
This master's degree, offered by the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona, has been designed in response to academic and social needs directly related to the proposals for change, innovation and improvement that have emerged from schools and non-formal education systems with the growth of the global knowledge society.
Educational institutions have an increasing need for specialized personnel able to promote personal and institutional change built on the key principles of constant review and evaluation of practices. This master's degree is therefore structured around the concepts of change, innovation and evaluation, and is aimed at training skilled education professionals with a vocational interest in continual improvement.
The main objective of the course is to provide an introduction to research in the fields of teaching, training and evaluation at various levels of the education system, including higher education. It also develops the students' capacity to establish learning environments conducive to change, promoting critical analysis, reflection, collaboration and a commitment to society and its improvement.
There is a pronounced international need for specialists with high-level academic and research abilities, capable of analysing and understanding the changes that are taking place across all areas of education systems. At the same time, it is also essential to provide education professionals with the tools and resources that will enable them to transform and improve teaching practice.
Additionally, major changes in higher education in the EU following the introduction of the European Higher Education Area are having a particular impact on teacher training, teaching and the accreditation of university programs. This has created unprecedented demands with respect to management systems, teacher training, and the evaluation and accreditation of teaching programs. This master's degree course has been designed as a reasoned response to these dem