Zoology | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 4 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

Zoology is literally ‘all about animals’. Students receive a thorough grounding in general zoology, exploring the diversity of animal form and function, and the evolution and ecology of the major animal groups. Through a series of individual modules which offer an element of choice, students will cover both invertebrate and vertebrate zoology and consider applied aspects such as parasitology, and the interaction between animals and their environment. We offer several opportunities to carry out field studies, both home and abroad, and to work in a research laboratory. Our aim is to provide you with sound and broad zoological training that covers both pure and applied aspects of animal life. The provision of a diversity of laboratory and field zoology experience is an important component of the course, as is the acquisition of transferable skills (data analysis, group work, presentational and writing skills, IT skills). You will not only enjoy the resources expected of a modern centre of animal biology but will also benefit from the proximity of an exceptional range of terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats where field work, which is an integral part of the degree is conducted. We are unusual among British universities in having our own substantial Zoology Museum, and being part of the Environment Centre Wales which is a partnership venture between Bangor University and the Natural Environment Research Council’s Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). We also have our own marine and freshwater aquaria.

Zoology | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 4 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

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