Democracy vs Fake News: The Dangers of Political Trumpism | Study abroad program | Humanities & Culture | Blended Learning | 1 week | University of Almeria | Spain
The constitutional state and the organization of political power within it are based on rationalism, in the understanding that only from reason it is possible to organize power in a constitutional state and the relationship of this power with the citizens. Trumpism and populism express the opposite: the unnecessary nature of the limitation of political power, the absence of respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens, the elimination of the liberal character of the state, and its monopoly in favor of the private interests of the leader. Fake news and lies as an instrument of access and maintenance in power - mean the destruction of the basis of any democratic state, which should be the free shaping of citizens' opinions based on the exercise of freedom of expression and the right to receive truthful information. The absence of truthfulness and the construction of political movements based on irrational, unfounded theories or lies leads to a society incapable of making free decisions and doomed to the loss of democracy.