Master's Degree in Research in Psychology and Behavioural Sciences | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | University of Almeria | Spain

This Master is oriented towards the training of researchers. Its general purpose is the specialization of students in the scientific field of Behavioural Sciences, which includes Psychology as a priority, but also other sciences from the branches of Sciences of Health and Social Sciences. Subjects are organized around two research itineraries: Research in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology and Psychological Research in social and educational contexts .It will allow students to design their training according to their objectives, either with a general character taking subjects from both itineraries, or taking a specific itinerary by choosing one of the mentioned itineraries. Training in in the field of Psychology and related sciences provides an ideal complement for the development of professional work, increasingly requested and appreciated outside the strictly academic world.

Master's Degree in Research in Psychology and Behavioural Sciences | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 year | University of Almeria | Spain

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