Spanish Language and Culture: Basic, Independent and Proficient User | Study abroad program | Languages | On Campus | 4 weeks | University of Almeria | Spain

The new perspectives in foreign languages teaching methodology pay special attention to the presence of cultural issues in the programs, according to the assumption that learning a language without reference to its community is a difficult task and not very enriching. The communicative approach requires the inclusion of cultural aspects to develop extra-linguistic competence. Our courses offer the students a program in which the cultural contents are used as a starting point to the presentation of the linguistic system. In this sense, each lesson, from the beginning, will introduce essential socio-cultural contents in order to satisfy immediate needs in the society in which students are immersed. These contents also act as conversation topics in socio-cultural discussion forums that go from the language to the culture and from the culture to the language.

Spanish Language and Culture: Basic, Independent and Proficient User | Study abroad program | Languages | On Campus | 4 weeks | University of Almeria | Spain

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