The Science of Sexology | Study abroad program | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 week | University of Almeria | Spain

The team of Sexology from Unidad de Estudios Sexológicos (UESX) proposes the course "The Science of Sexology". The UESX belongs to the CERNEP Research Center of the University of Almería and is made up of a multidisciplinary team that consists of different Health and Education professionals (Psychology, Education and Medicine), all of them with a long trajectory in Education, Clinic and Research in Sexology. UESX offers this sexual education course to meet the personal needs of students and to complement their academic training. It is a structured course in basic and empirical concepts of Sexology, framed in positive Sexology, in order to optimize the personal and professional growth of the participants. Currently most people have not received quality sex education, which leads to living with feelings of guilt, shame and / or fear. This course arises from the need to break with the current vision of sexuality (a preventive, reductionist and pathologizing vision) and promote a holistic and hedonistic vision of it. This course offers a comprehensive sexuality education in order to live a more positive sexuality. In this training, the students will know different sexological concepts and will develop a positive attitude towards sexuality, this will allow to enhance and develop their skills, abilities and values (assertive communication, self-esteem, respect, empathy, among others) in order to improve their quality of life. Thanks to this training, people will be able to make decisions freely, maturely and safely.

The Science of Sexology | Study abroad program | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 1 week | University of Almeria | Spain

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