BSc in Tourism | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | Blended Learning | 1-4 Years | University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons | Switzerland

The desire to see the world inspires people all over our planet to travel both close to home and far afield. Furthermore, the business world is becoming increasingly mobile. As a result, tourism has become an exciting growth market. A simple comparison illustrates the potential. Today, the tourism and leisure industry is larger than the oil industry or the car industry and currently employs around 11% of the world's population. The industry certainly offers professionals fantastic career development opportunities – in both ordinary and exotic destinations. The Bachelor in Tourism introduces you to tourism as a business discipline and helps you to successfully create customer-focused offers that include a consistently high level of service. The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons draws inspiration from Switzerland's visionary thinkers, who were the first to recognise our country's special resources. They created unique tourism opportunities that appeal to visitors from all over the world.

BSc in Tourism | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | Blended Learning | 1-4 Years | University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons | Switzerland

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