Energy Informatics (Master) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | Austria

Energy is the underlying heartbeat of the global economy – a critical factor in the production of nearly all goods and services in the modern world. Clearly, given the critical role of energy, the driving imperatives in any economy are ensuring security of supply, maintaining competitiveness and overseeing the transition to a low-carbon future. Key requirements in this respect are the strategic management of supply and improving its overall generation and distribution. Impacting on these challenging goals will be a variety of factors, including advances in renewables, e-mobility and green technologies, to name only a few. Managing this changing environment is no easy task. That will require intelligent IT solutions and therefore well-educated IT experts able to design and/or operate future smart grids, smart city infrastructures and enhanced energy supply systems.

Energy Informatics (Master) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | Austria

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