Bachelor of Arts in French | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 3 years | University of Auckland | New Zealand
Enhance your opportunities for careers or postgraduate study through our double major requirement. You can explore different subjects before choosing your two majors. You are free to combine any two majors, to pursue your interests or to meet a career goal.
Benefit from distinctive opportunities to develop skills for many different careers in a fast-changing, globalised economy. You can further extend your skills and knowledge for future employment by choosing to take one or two of our optional Modules.
You will choose two BA subjects as your two majors (your "double major"). You will take eight courses (120 points) in each major. This includes at least three courses (45 points) at Stage III in each major.
In your first year you will probably take eight courses: four in semester one and four in semester two. A typical pattern would be to take two courses in each of three BA subjects, choose one course in a fourth BA subject, and take a General Education course. This gives you an opportunity to explore your interests and discover your strengths.