Chemical Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

Chemical Engineering is concerned with large-scale chemical and biochemical processes in which materials undergo change. The fundamental concepts, principles and theories underpinning Chemical Engineering will be taught, with core knowledge in mathematics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics; mass and heat transfer, chemical reactions; materials; process control; safety, health and environment. As a qualified Chemical Engineer you will understand how to alter the chemical, biochemical or physical state of a substance, to create everything from healthcare products to food and water to energy. Chemical Engineering at Bradford has extensive links to industry. Our Lecturers are actively working on research projects with industry, with recent research projects linked to pharmaceutical, oil, gas, petrochemical and advanced material engineering companies including: Proctor & Gamble AstraZeneca Floreon Bioplastics Merck Pharmaceuticals Delstar International Thomas Swan and Haydale Nylacast Ultrasion Our ongoing research activities with companies enhances teaching on all Chemical Engineering programmes, by working closely with industry we are able to teach courses that are informed by industry. As a Chemical Engineering student you will actively engage with our industry links as part of your studies at Bradford - during each module of study you will have a guest lecturer from an industry expert and during the latter years of your degree there are opportunities for you to engage in ongoing research projects.

Chemical Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

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