Game Design and Development | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 3 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

On this course we aim to develop you as a student to become a highly-skilled, experienced, professional, computer game developer and technical designer. You will be introduced to the creative and technical aspects of game level design and creation, game play, technical computer animation, game programming and script programming, supported by appropriate contextual and technical theory to inform your practice. You will learn how to generate and develop ideas and solve technical problems. In the final year you will undertake an individual project and major production project in a studio environment designed to replicate real world and industry production processes. There will also be opportunities to work on projects for external clients. In the second and third years you can develop your own areas of interest and expertise through a range of options. Between the second and third year you can also take a year out to study abroad at a partner university or to do a placement in industry if you choose to study our four-year course. The course is designed for those students who want to learn to design, develop and programme computer games, using the most up to date industry standard technologies. Whilst we are not subject specific, the course typically attracts students with an interest in computer programming and scripting, animation, game play, artificial intelligence. We welcome students who have A level, BTEC or equivalent qualifications.

Game Design and Development | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 3 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

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