Occupational Therapy | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

The Occupational Therapy programme provides students with opportunities to become creative, resourceful practitioners, developing skills which enable them to enter a diverse range of employment opportunities. Distinctive features of the programme include an enquiry-based learning approach, development of entrepreneurial skills, understanding of occupational science, and abilities in research and clinical guideline development. Placements marks contribute to the degree classification. The final placement provides opportunities for all students to engage in occupationally-focused practice in areas where occupational therapy is not currently provided; giving graduates unique skills relative for future employability. External examiners for the programme praise academic staff for the support provided to students, creativity and range of assessments, and the quality of feedback provided to aid student development.

Occupational Therapy | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

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