Pharmacy | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 5 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

Bradford are leaders in pharmacy education and whether on the 4-year or the 5-year programme we arrange short work-based learning placements consisting of three days in each stage of the programme. Our five-year programme is the only one accredited in the country to embed two separate six-month periods of pre-registration experience. This innovation was introduced in 1970 and remains unique. We take great pride in our students who are at the heart of all our activities. We have a ground-breaking curriculum which was fully accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council in 2012. Our MPharm has been designed with employers and is unique in the UK in using Team-Based Learning (TBL) throughout. This dynamic type of education encourages independent and active learning. We have invested greatly in our world-leading pharmacy programmes and we are fully committed to making all our pharmacy students fit for future success in their professional lives. Come and visit us and see for yourself.

Pharmacy | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 5 years | University of Bradford | United Kingdom

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