German | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | The University of British Columbia | Canada

This program includes the language, literature, and culture of the German-speaking world. First- and second-year courses focus primarily on language, and the program is designed to develop active and communicative skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing German. The content includes authentic language from a variety of areas, social contexts, and periods.The department also offers third-year survey courses in Literature and Culture, taught in English, which are open to all students. The full program for Honours, Major, and Minor in German includes third- and fourth-year courses in Literature (some in English), Cultural Studies, Languages, and Business German. In addition, the department offers Swedish and Danish language courses, as well as courses on Scandinavian and Baltic literature and culture (taught in English).

German | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | The University of British Columbia | Canada

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