Dance (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | University of Calgary | Canada

Dance scholars ask such questions as: What frames our experience of dance? What political and historical events have shaped specific dance forms? How do our choreographic choices impact an audience? How does kinesthetic awareness prevent injury? How can dance embody politics? Dance enables you to fully experience yourself and your place in the world by heightening your senses, sharpening your perceptions, honing your physical capacity, and drawing attention to issues of representation and identity. In this program, you will transform your knowledge of dance by engaging with dance history, pedagogy, choreography, critical theory, dance for the camera, dance science, improvisation, dance production, and various dance techniques. During the course of your studies you will gain creative thinking skills, research and analytical capabilities, written and verbal communication skills, as well as a rigorous practical and theoretical training in dance.

Dance (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | University of Calgary | Canada

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