Medical English | Diploma / certificate | Languages | On Campus | 4 weeks | University of California San Diego Extension International Programs | USA

Students who wish to master specific medical vocabulary and idioms, and improve their ability to communicate in English in a hospital or clinical setting will benefit from the Medical English program. High-intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency are welcome to apply to this program. English proficiency is determined during orientation at the time the student arrives at UC San Diego English Language Institute (ELI). Students who do not obtain the required English level for this program will take Conversation and Fluency (beginner, low-intermediate, and intermediate levels). If you plan to come to the U.S. mainly for tourism, but you also want to improve your English, you can apply to this 4-week program with reduced weekly hours. Instead of 20 hours of instruction per week, you will have 15 hours per week.

Medical English | Diploma / certificate | Languages | On Campus | 4 weeks | University of California San Diego Extension International Programs | USA

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