Graduate Certificate in Pharmacotherapy | Graduate diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 semester | University of Canberra | Australia
If you’re a science undergraduate considering enrolment in the Master of Pharmacy course at UC, but you are missing some of the pre-requisites, then the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacotherapy course is the perfect course to help bring you up to speed - fast.
This full time (1 semester), or part-time (2 semesters) will teach you pharmacy basics in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology; and allow you to meet the minimum pre-requisite units to transition into the Master of Pharmacy course confidently.
If you’re looking for a subject study change and wish to use your existing studies to leverage a new career direction in pharmacy, then this bridging course is the perfect solution. It is also a great way to test the waters if you have been outside of study for a while.
Take a proactive approach to your career in pharmacy and sign up for the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacotherapy today.
Study a Graduate Certificate in Pharmacotherapy at UC and you will:
meet the pre-requisite units required to enter the Master of Pharmacy.
explore additional study topics in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology
gain a better understanding of the science behind pharmacotherapy
get valuable support and encouragement from university mentors
open new networking opportunities
be able to transition into the Master of Pharmacy
discover new career options and pathways