English Language and Linguistics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Central Lancashire | United Kingdom

Whether your passion is for how language works, how language is used in different communicative contexts, or how to teach English to speakers of other languages, the English Language and Linguistics degree will have something to offer you. Taught by a dedicated team of active researchers, this is a flexible programme which enables you to specialise according to your own individual interests and future career plans. In focusing on the development of written skills, providing work-experience opportunities and offering an exciting and unique suite of career-oriented modules, the degree has everything you need to help you realise your potential and impress future employers. Studying the TESOL route allows you to gain the internationally recognised professional teaching qualification (Trinity Cert TESOL) alongside your undergraduate degree.

English Language and Linguistics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Central Lancashire | United Kingdom

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