Interpreting and Translation | Master's degree | Languages | On Campus | 2 years | University of Central Lancashire | United Kingdom

Taught by high-level, experienced interpreters and translators who are professionally active, this course will prepare you for a rewarding and exciting career in the language services industry. Indeed, many of our students enter the industry immediately following their graduation. The programme of study is practical and varied. We use a range of techniques and modules (including our renowned multilingual mock conferences) to provide you with a learning experience which is both stimulating and professionally realistic. Interpreter training takes place in either of our two conference interpreting suites. You will benefit from using two different simultaneous interpreting systems which are both commonly used at international conferences. In translation modules, you will learn the fundamentals of theory and practice alongside the use of the latest tools and technologies.

Interpreting and Translation | Master's degree | Languages | On Campus | 2 years | University of Central Lancashire | United Kingdom

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