BSc (Hons) Criminology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Derby | United Kingdom
What is crime? Who is a criminal? What motivates offenders? Can an offender be reformed? These are the type of questions which impacts today's society, and the questions you will explore.
Why choose this course?
You’ll examine the causes and consequences of crime, how crime is measured and defined, and how criminals are managed and controlled
We give you an in-depth view of the challenges and dilemmas facing criminal justice professionals today - in the police, courts, prison and probation services, youth offending teams and victim support groups
We have strong links with practice including the HM Prison Service, Youth Justice Board and local Police Constabularies
All stage two students have the opportunity to visit the USA to see how the US criminal justice system operates - all flights and accommodation are included in course fee's
An opportunity to achieve an additional professional qualification in youth justice
Tailor 100% of your final year options to suit your career aims and passions.