International Business with Marketing | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

We live in a world where business operations are becoming increasingly global in scale. National boundaries now matter very little to decisions about where goods are made and services provided. In this course you will learn what this means for today's business world. The main difference between our BSc and MA International Business with Marketing degrees comes in the first two years. The BSc (Hons) option is for you if you want to study more business specific subjects. In the first two years, you focus on business, management, economics and finance related core modules. The degree has economics at its core covering micro and macroeconomics. It is much broader than a standalone economics degree and analyses the major external factors effecting global business, globalisation and applied policy. In this course you will focus a little more on marketing and gain a strong understanding of international business processes and practices.

International Business with Marketing | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

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