Mental Health Nursing | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

You'll need to already have an undergraduate degree to study the MSc version of this course. As a mental health nurse, you will care for people in a diverse range of settings, with a variety of mental health challenges. For the MSc version of this course you will complete a dissertation on a topic of your choosing. A significant proportion of the population will experience difficulties with their mental health during their lifetime and this course will prepare you to support them in their recovery. You will gain practical and cognitive skills and will leave the course as a competent and confident practitioner. You will learn to work in different settings, such as city hospitals, rural communities, and in people's own homes. You will spend 50% of your time learning on our City Campus and the other 50% on placements in hospitals and community settings. Your placements help you develop the hands-on skills needed to work in healthcare and you will be introduced to the practical elements of mental health nursing in our clinical skills centre.

Mental Health Nursing | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

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