Philosophy and Film | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

Combining your philosophy and film studies gives you a wide range of modules to choose from. Philosophy explores our existence using critical thinking and argument. We specialise in continental (European) philosophy and teach key texts from the European tradition. We help you look at how philosophy is important to real-world concerns and contemporary issues by: exploring films and artwork discussing important scientific and technological developments debating controversial ethical issues looking at how texts written 300 years ago can be relevant to political situations today At Levels 1 and 2 you'll receive a grounding in ancient and modern philosophy and be introduced to fundamental ideas concerning ethics, epistemology (the nature of knowledge), and metaphysics (the nature of reality). You then specialise at Levels 3 and 4 by drawing on a range of philosophy modules taught by lecturers engaging in interdisciplinary research. For the film modules we start with a study of film from its origins, exploring key film techniques and genres, before moving on to study classic Hollywood film, international cinemas, and Film Noir. We then expand on this foundational knowledge to look at topics including: art cinema film theory the intersections between film and theatre, and film and literature

Philosophy and Film | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

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