Philosophy and Politics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

Philosophy explores our existence using critical thinking and argument. If you find yourself thinking about life's big issues and questions, philosophy could be for you. At Levels 1 and 2 you will receive a grounding in ancient and modern philosophy and be introduced to fundamental ideas concerning ethics, epistemology (the nature of knowledge), and metaphysics (the nature of reality). You then specialise at Levels 3 and 4 by drawing on a range of philosophy modules taught by lecturers engaging in interdisciplinary research. You will study existentialism in relation to contemporary culture, technology, and film, and topics in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. You will also be encouraged to make links between philosophy and other subjects, such as politics, literature, film, the environment, psychology, and computer science. Politics confronts the big issues that affect societies the world over. You’ll get an overview of the British political system as well as examining some of the most complex problems faced by humanity and the ideas that underpin them. The MA degree means you study Politics alongside other subjects from History to Geography, languages to Psychology. At Levels 3 and 4 you will be able to specialise. Our current teaching includes optional modules on Russian, Irish, and Middle Eastern politics, nations and nationalism, political theories, and on human rights and humanitarian intervention. Topics such as illegal drugs, gender and sexuality, environmental sustainability, and surveillance are also covered.

Philosophy and Politics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of Dundee | United Kingdom

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